The Kids Come First
Musicians throughout the
world have a good reputation for giving back to the community, especially to
the next generation, the children, and Central America is no exception. Costa
Rica’s three-time Grammy Award winners Editus are a good example. They have
recorded twelve albums in their seventeen years together as a group and in an
effort to give back to the community, they founded their Acadamie de las Artes
in San Jose, Costa Rica in November 2004. It is a modern conservatory that
integrates diverse elements of artistic development, not only for music but for
dance, literature, theater, painting and photography as well. The music classes
they offer are incredibly staffed and diverse, with three drum and percussion
instructors, six teachers specializing in voice, lyrics and songwriting, four
electric guitarists, six acoustic guitar instructors, two violinists, a
cellist, five pianists, one saxophone teacher and a bass guitar instructor. Not
surprisingly, some of the current teachers are former students, a sure sign of
the Acadamie’s success. The academy also offers a sound lab to teach
engineering, mixing, mastering, even DJ sampling. And there is a chorale group
who performs a minimum of twice a year with selections as varied as Gospel and
spiritual, Rock and Pop, Costa Rican and Latin American songs, in an effort to
create a completely diverse chorus.
On their website, the
Acadamie displays three edited compilation videos of student recitals with
Editus members accompanying them, obviously enjoying the fruits of their
labors. The Acadamie has certainly proven its success: the school has a maximum
occupancy of three hundred and has had a full curriculum with an extensive
waiting list since opening its doors. Will all these students eventually find a
career in music? Probably not, but they will undoubtedly learn a lot about
themselves: things like discipline, their natural abilities, and what moves
them on an emotional level; the lessons that develop self-esteem. Those are all
good things to take from the classroom.

Editus obviously understands
the importance of keeping the arts alive, especially through the next
generation. They have discovered the Fountain of Youth!
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All comments about thhis article are gladly welcome.
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